Thursday, 20 December 2012

'Password' Tops List of Worst Passwords of 2012

  If any of your passwords are on this list, then shame on you -- and go change them now.
  SplashData, which makes password management applications, has released its annual "Worst Passwords"       list compiled from common passwords that are posted by hackers. The top three -- "password," "123456," and   "12345678″ -- have not changed since last year. New ones include "jesus," "ninja," "mustang," "password1,"       and "welcome." Other passwords have moved up and down on the list.
  The most surprising addition is probably "welcome."
  "That means people are not even changing default passwords," CEO Morgan Slain told TIME Tech. "It doesn't   take that much time to make a new password."
   You should have different passwords for all of your accounts. To make it easier to remember them all, Slain       suggests thinking about passwords as "passphrases." For instance, use a phrase like "dog eats bone" and add   underscores, dashes, hyphens, and other punctuation marks to satisfy the special character requirement: "dog_eats_bone!"

Here's the full list:

1. password
2, 123456
3. 12345678
4. abc123
5. qwerty
6. monkey
7. letmein
8. dragon
9. 111111
10. baseball
11. iloveyou
12. trustno1
13. 1234567
14. sunshine
15. master
16. 123123
17. welcome
18. shadow
19. ashley
20. football
21. jesus
22. michael
23. ninja
24. mustang
25. password1

P.S : This article is taken from TIME

The 10 most Google search terms of 2012

Nobody's videos tug at the heartstrings quite like Google's, and the search giant's latest 2012 retrospective lives up to that sky-high standard, managing to be jump-out-of-your-chair inspirational and quietly tear-jerking at the same time. (Watch the video above.) Along with this moving clip, on Wednesday, Google released its annual global zeitgeist report, highlighting 2012's most searched for terms, distilling what people people care about down to perhaps its most basic and universally understandable form. More than 1.2 trillion searches were conducted worldwide this year, with "Whitney Houston" — who unexpectedly died in early February — topping the list. Next up was the indelible "Gangnam Style" — the strangely popular South Korean horse-dancing music video — followed by "Hurricane Sandy," which hit New York hard back in late October. "Zeitgeist means 'the spirit of the times,' and we strive to capture this spirit through exploring the year’s new and exciting search terms," Google told Bloomberg in a statement. Here, in order, are the year's most searched for terms:

1. Whitney Houston
2. Gangnam Style
3. Hurricane Sandy
4. iPad 3
5. Diablo 3
6. Kate Middleton
7. Olympics 2012
8. Amanda Todd
9. Michael Clarke Duncan
10. BBB12

Check out Google's other year-end lists, including the most searched for images, athletes, and movies, here.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Camera Man Gangatho Rambabu Live Updates from primer show

Camera Man Gangatho Rambabu Live Updates..
  • Titles Started with a background of politicians from Gandhi – KCR period
  • Good Response for the CBN,ys jaagn,Chiranjeevi Visuals …
  • Pawan kalyan Enter in Orange…Dress
  • Pawan show interest in common peoples problems..
  • Tamanna insearch of Pawan….
  • Ganga joins pawan in the Tv Channel she is working for…
  • Jormochndi song started
  • Ali Enters as senior of pawan kalyan in the same channel
  • Pawan interviews a lady Politician…
  • Comedy Scenes between Ali and Pawan is Good Time passs
  • puri maintain same tempo for the Pawan and Tamanna Scenes
  • Prakash Raj Enters as a villian..Son of kota Srinivas
  • Pawan to kota Dialogue…”Nuvvu CM nee kalisi Vudochu,,PM nee Kalisi Vundochu Kani Na Lanti Tikka nakodu Kalisi Vundav”
  • Songs is  Extra ordinary…Song is Good
  • pawan to prakash raj Dialogue….”nuvvu 10 mandi 20 mandi 120 mandi enta mandini techina nannu round up chesedi nalugure…teesuku raara enta mandini testavoo”
  • 2nd Fight Started…followed By ————–INTERVAL————
  • Movie Started with brahmi Enterance…To start Campaign for prakash raj
  • Tamanna Drinks beer..
  • Pillani chooste song …
  • Prakash raj Started Moment Against other states are looting us…
  • Movie is going with prakash raj telugu vudyamam
  • pawan Kalyan Fight with hijras..Lady getup for Gents….was Good
  • pawan Kalyan dialogues with tamannna “Prapamchaloo adavalluu andaruuu ordinaryy memu mojuuu padiiu meeru extraordinary” .
  • Melkal Song Started…Tamanna looks and pawan steps are Good
  • prakash raj son killed kota for his political carrer
  • Pawan Kalyan “oreyy ninnu prakash raj gurinchi cheppamante nagarjuna pawan kalyan gurinchi enduku raa…vadiki asale tikka elkuva eppudoo vachi nadi road lo kalchi dobbutadu”
  • Pawan Kalyan Violent Speech on Media and there Responsibilities
  • Very emotioanl Dialogue from Pawan Kalyan “movies kosam girl friends kosam edaiana chestaru….saraina nayakudini choosukoraa raa??  neeku hero lu kavala..nuvvu hero kaadaa???
  • on the eve of UDYAMAM all are invited to hyderabad..followed by a Song…
  • Prakash raj Kills Pawan …People Kills Prakashraj..Movie ends…

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

2990+ People donated blood in Nellore for Mega Star Chiru's B'day

Its celebration time for the mega fans as Chiranjeevi birthday falls on August 22.Megastar Chiranjeevi celebrates his 56th birthday on Monday in Hyderabad and significantly, the celebrations kick off tonight at Shilpa Kala Vedika. This birthday will surely be a special one for Chrianjeevi since the actor turned politician is now a Congress man! Chiranjeevi was born in 1955 to Konidela Venkat Rao and Anjana Devi in Mogultoor. Fondly called 'Chiru', Chiranjeevi is listed among the top 50 influential men in India. On Chiranjeevi's birthday, fans base generally indulge in some social activities like food distribution, blood donation, etc.

On this Occasion of Mega Star B'day In NELLORE a Blood donation camp was Conducted by Chiranjeevi yuvatha and had a RECORD Number Of People about  "2990+" people had donated the Blood. With This we can see that the craze of MEGASTAR is unperished. I along with u all chiru fans wish him a Happy Birthday..........

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Gate Syllabus For Ece Students 2013-2014

Gate Syllabus For Ece Students 2013-2014



Linear Algebra: Matrix Algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and eigen vectors.

Calculus: Mean value theorems, Theorems of integral calculus, Evaluation of definite and improper integrals, Partial Derivatives, Maxima and minima, Multiple integrals, Fourier series. Vector identities, Directional derivatives, Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Greens theorems.

Differential equations: First order equation (linear and nonlinear), Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Method of variation of parameters, Cauchys and Eulers equations, Initial and boundary value problems, Partial Differential Equations and variable separable method.

Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchys integral theorem and integral formula, Taylors and Laurent series, Residue theorem, solution integrals.

Probability and Statistics: Sampling theorems, Conditional probability, Mean, median, mode and standard deviation, Random variables, Discrete and continuous distributions, Poisson, Normal and Binomial distribution, Correlation and regression analysis.

Numerical Methods: Solutions of non-linear algebraic equations, single and multi-step methods for differential equations.

Transform Theory: Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform.


Networks: Network graphs: matrices associated with graphs; incidence, fundamental cut set and fundamental circuit matrices. Solution methods: nodal and mesh analysis. Network theorems: superposition, Thevenin and Nortons maximum power transfer, Wye-Delta transformation. Steady state sinusoidal analysis using phasors. Linear constant coefficient differential equations; time domain analysis of simple RLC circuits, Solution of network equations using Laplace transform: frequency domain analysis of RLC circuits. 2-port network parameters: driving point and transfer functions. State equations for networks.

Electronic Devices: Energy bands in silicon, intrinsic and extrinsic silicon. Carrier transport in silicon: diffusion current, drift current, mobility, and resistivity. Generation and recombination of carriers. p-n junction diode, Zener diode, tunnel diode, BJT, JFET, MOS capacitor, MOSFET, LED, p-I-n and avalanche photo diode, Basics of LASERs. Device technology: integrated circuits fabrication process, oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, photolithography, n-tub, p-tub and twin-tub CMOS process.

Analog Circuits: Small Signal Equivalent circuits of diodes, BJTs, MOSFETs and analog CMOS. Simple diode circuits, clipping, clamping, rectifier. Biasing and bias stability of transistor and FET amplifiers. Amplifiers: single-and multi-stage, differential and operational, feedback, and power. Frequency response of amplifiers. Simple op-amp circuits. Filters. Sinusoidal oscillators; criterion for oscillation; single-transistor and op-amp configurations. Function generators and wave-shaping circuits, 555 Timers. Power supplies.

Digital circuits: Boolean algebra, minimization of Boolean functions; logic gates; digital IC families (DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS). Combinatorial circuits: arithmetic circuits, code converters, multiplexers, decoders, PROMs and PLAs. Sequential circuits: latches and flip-flops, counters and shift-registers. Sample and hold circuits, ADCs, DACs. Semiconductor memories. Microprocessor(8085): architecture, programming, memory and I/O interfacing.

Signals and Systems: Definitions and properties of Laplace transform, continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier series, continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform, DFT and FFT, z-transform. Sampling theorem. Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems: definitions and properties; causality, stability, impulse response, convolution, poles and zeros, parallel and cascade structure, frequency response, group delay, phase delay. Signal transmission through LTI systems.

Control Systems: Basic control system components; block diagrammatic description, reduction of block diagrams. Open loop and closed loop (feedback) systems and stability analysis of these systems. Signal flow graphs and their use in determining transfer functions of systems; transient and steady state analysis of LTI control systems and frequency response. Tools and techniques for LTI control system analysis: root loci, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Bode and Nyquist plots. Control system compensators: elements of lead and lag compensation, elements of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control. State variable representation and solution of state equation of LTI control systems.

Communications: Random signals and noise: probability, random variables, probability density function, autocorrelation, power spectral density. Analog communication systems: amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation systems, spectral analysis of these operations, superheterodyne receivers; elements of hardware, realizations of analog communication systems; signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) calculations for amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM) for low noise conditions. Fundamentals of information theory and channel capacity theorem. Digital communication systems: pulse code modulation (PCM), differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), digital modulation schemes: amplitude, phase and frequency shift keying schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK), matched filter receivers, bandwidth consideration and probability of error calculations for these schemes. Basics of TDMA, FDMA and CDMA and GSM.

Electromagnetics: Elements of vector calculus: divergence and curl; Gauss and Stokes theorems, Maxwells equations: differential and integral forms. Wave equation, Poynting vector. Plane waves: propagation through various media; reflection and refraction; phase and group velocity; skin depth. Transmission lines: characteristic impedance; impedance transformation; Smith chart; impedance matching; S parameters, pulse excitation. Waveguides: modes in rectangular waveguides; boundary conditions; cut-off frequencies; dispersion relations. Basics of propagation in dielectric waveguide and optical fibers. Basics of Antennas: Dipole antennas; radiation pattern; antenna gain.

General Aptitude (GA):  Verbal Ability: English grammar, sentence completion, verbal analogies, word groups, instructions, critical reasoning and verbal deduction.
Download Link :  Click here to Download Tis As PDF

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Pawan Kalyan’s CGTR shooting at Padmalaya Studios!

Here is the latest still in CGTR in Padmalaya Studios Today

Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s new film "Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu" has recently completed its shooting schedule in Sarathi Studios in Hyderabad. Currently the film shooting is progressing in Padmalaya Studios, Hyderabad. Tamanna is playing the female lead role in this film and she also joined in the film’s shoot at Padmalaya Studios, which is started from today.
The movie shooting is going on at a rapid pace. The movie is being directed by Puri Jagannadh and produced by DVV Danaiah under universal media banner.Mani Sharma is composing the music for this film.

The movie is scheduled for its release on October 18th.

Here is the latest still of Power Star Pawan Kalyan on the sets of ‘Cameraman Ganga tho Rambabu’. Noted writer BVS Ravi met the actor on the sets of the film.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Eega Movie Review


Nani (Nani) and Bindu (Samantha) are lovers. Sudeep (Sudeep) a rich brat comes in between them and he kills Nani to get his hands on Bindu. Nani reincarnates as a housefly and avenges his death. He gets help from Samantha and how they execute their plan to kill Sudeep is what Eega is about.


Rajamouli told the story of Eega on the day of launch and people had expectations over how this film is going to be. Rajamouli exceeded all those expectations with his wonderful visual sense and executing his idea to the perfection.

Eega is an event. It can’t be put into words. It should be experienced to know the greatness of it. There are some mind blowing thrills and sequences that will sweep you off your feet. Housefly’s birth and the scenes that follow will arrest you with the detailing and wonderful research done.

First half breezes off with good romantic episodes and Sudeep’s powerful performance. Second half is dominated by housefly scenes. There are many clap worthy scenes in the film. One would can’t help but fall in love with Rajamouli’s visualization and his terrific narration. As the film has not much story the pace tends to fall a bit at times, but there are ample scenes to make it up for it.


Nani was good in his limited role. Sudeep was terrific as the bad guy. His stellar performance was one of the major plus points of the film. His screen presence will make you feel that there is no better option than him for this role. Samantha was a treat to watch. She has given a convincing performance. All others didn’t have much role to play, but everyone did fine in their respective roles. Watch out for Tagubothu Ramesh’s cameo!


Dialogues were apt. Cinematography was excellent. Editing was up to the mark. Music by Keeravani is the major asset for this film. His background score stands out as one of his best works ever. There are few good melody songs too. CGI work was superb. Visual Effects will definitely rank among the best on Indian screen. Eega’s movements, dances and everything were done to the best possible levels. There was lot of time and hard work put into the film and the results are seen.

Eega is a technically well made film. Production values were top notch. Rajamouli has done a terrific job. His ideas and execution were superb in the film. There were many scenes where one would admire Rajamouli. He is undoubtedly the best director in Tollywood now.

Final Word:

Eega is one of the best films in recent times. It will be liked by kids. If you keep the logics aside, the movie will entertain you to the core. One of the rare films that has to be seen on big screen only. Go watch it!

Eega Movie Rating: 3.5/5

Banner: Varahi Chalana Chitram
Casting: Sudeep, Samantha, Nani
Producer: Sai Korrapati
Music: M.M.Keeravani
Direction: SS Rajamouli

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Gabbar Singh 50 Days Complete Trailler

GABBAR SINGH Had Successfully completed 50 days in 306 direct And +3 shifted centers total 309 centers. And had created a new RECORD in Telugu Film Industry

Gabbar Singh 50 days centers list - Xclusive

Gabbar Singh 50 days centers list: 307 direct theaters

Power Star Pawan Kalyan's latest Blockbuster movie 'Gabbar Singh' is successfully running it's 7th week and will complete 50 days run on June 29,2012. As per the reports Gabbar Singh is currently running successfully in 307 direct theatres. This would be the first movie to break Ram Charan's all time blockbuster movie Magadheera which completed its 50 days run in 301 direct centers.

Here is the "Gabbar Singh 50 days centers list"

1. Acham peta - Satya Lakshmi
2. Addanki - Sri Rama
3. Adilabad - Maheswari
4. Adoni - Sivam
5. Agiripalli - Anu Deluxe
6. Allagadda - Bhavani
7. Allavaram - Venkatramabadra
8. Amalapuram - Venkata Ramana
9. Anakapalli - Ramchandra
10. Anakapalli - Shiridisai
11. Ananthapur - Ramesh
12. Aswaraopeta - Venkata Durga
13. Atmakur - Raghunath
14. Atmakuru - Srinivasa Mahal
15. Avanigadda - Ramakrishna
16. Banaganapalle - Mahaboob Talkies
17. Bapatla - Vijayakrishna
18. Bellampalli - Ramakrishna
19. Bethamcherla - Mini Venkateswara
20. Bhadrachalam - Gopalakrishna
21. Bhainsa - Kamala
22. Bhavanipuram - Neelima
23. Bhimavaram - Geetha screen 1
24. Bhimavaram - Vijayalakshmi
25. Bhoopalapally - Anand
26. Bhuvanagiri - Bhadradri 70mm
27. Bobbili - Vasavi K.M
28. Bodhan - Srinivasa
29. Buchireddypalem - Jameela
30. Challapally - Kamal Talkies
31. Cheepurupalli - Nataraj
32. Chennuru - Srinivasa
33. Cherukupalli - Jaihind
34. Chilakaluripeta - Srinivasa
35. Chintalapudi - Ratna
36. Chirala - Sangam
37. Chittivalasa - Ramulamma
38. Chittoor - Vijayalakshmi
39. Chityala - Sujana
40. Chodavaram - Sai Lakshmi complex
41. Choutappal - Anjireddy
42. Cuddapah - Murali
43. Cumbum - Victory
44. Dachepalli - Tirumala
45. Darsi - Srinivasa
46. Devarakonda - Manoj
47. Devarpalli - Trinadh
48. Dharmavaram - Varalakshmi
49. Dhone - Venkateswara
50. Dornakal - Sri Laxmi
51. Draksharama - Sri Lakshmi
52. Eluru - Balaji
53. Eluru - Vijayalakxmi Delux
54. G Konduru - Swamy Delux
55. Gadwal - Venkateswara
56. Gajapatinagaram - SuryaMahal
57. Gajuwaka - Lakshmikanth
58. Gajwel - Yadagiri 70mm
59. Gannavaram - Santhi
60. Ghatkesar - Jagadamba
61. Giddaluru - Krishna
62. Godavarikhani - New Ashoka
63. Gopalapatnam - Soujanya
64. Gorantla - Chandrasekhar
65. Gudivada - Anand
66. Gudlavalleru - Ramakrishna
67. Gudur/ - KNL Akhil |
68. Guduru - Srinivas Teja
69. Gunadala - Ramgopal
70. Gunthakal - S L V
71. Guntur - Hollywood
72. Guntur - Naaz Deluxe
73. Gurazala - Seetharama
74. Halia - Achireddy
75. Hanumakonda - Amrutha 70mm
76. Hindupur - Vishnu
77. Husnabad - Venkateswara
78. Huzurabad - Annapurna
79. Huzurnagar - Sai Baba
80. Hyderabad - Amba
81. Hyderabad - Arjun 70mm
82. Hyderabad - Bhamaramba 70mm
83. Hyderabad - Bhujanga 70mm
84. Hyderabad - Big cinema Sreen 3
85. Hyderabad - Cine Planet Multyplex 1a
86. Hyderabad - Cinemax 2a
87. Hyderabad - Cinemax Inorbit 4
88. Hyderabad - Eshwar
89. Hyderabad - Galaxy
90. Hyderabad - Gokul 70mm
91. Hyderabad - Hi-tech
92. Hyderabad - I Nox Screen 4b
93. Hyderabad - Indra 70 mm
94. Hyderabad - Jyothi
95. Hyderabad - Krishna c.Mandir
96. Hyderabad - Nartaki
97. Hyderabad - P V R Cinima 2b
98. Hyderabad - Prasad multiplex 1a
99. Hyderabad - Rajdhani 70mm
100. Hyderabad - Rukmini 70mm
101. Hyderabad - SaiRam
102. Hyderabad - Sampoorna
103. Hyderabad - Sandhya 70mm
104. Hyderabad - Sensation Sunshaine
105. Hyderabad - Sivasakthi
106. Hyderabad - Sri Krishna
107. Hyderabad - Sri Prema
108. Hyderabad - Sri Ramana 70mm
109. Hyderabad - Sridevi 70mm
110. Hyderabad - Sudha
111. Hyderabad - Super Cinema
112. Hyderabad - SVC Cinema Screen
113. Hyderabad - Swapna 70 mm
114. Hyderabad - Talluri Screen
115. Hyderabad - Vijayalaxmi 70mm
116. Ibrahimpatnam - Venkateswara
117. Ibrahimpatnam (Nizam) - Santosh
118. Ieeja - Sri Madhav
119. Jadcherla - Srinivasa
120. Jaggaiahpet - Saikrupa
121. Jaggampeta - Nageswara
122. Jagityal - Nataraj
123. Jammalamadugu - T P R MOVIELAND
124. Jammikunta - Annapurna
125. Janagaov - Devi 70mm
126. Jangareddy Gudem - Sri Lakshmi
127. Jogipeta - Venkateswara
128. Kadiyam - Venkatasurya
129. Kaikalur - Venkataramana
130. Kakinada - Devi Screen I
131. Kakinada - Sri Priya
132. Kalikiri - R N R
133. Kalyandurgam - Venkatamma
134. Kamareddy - Priya 70mm
135. Kancherapalem - Parameswari
136. kanchikacherla - Bhavana
137. Kandukur - RAJ A/c
138. Kanigiri - Srinivasa
139. Kankipadu - Mayuri
140. Karimnagar - Pratima SVM screen-2
141. Karimnagar - Venkateswara
142. Kavali - Latha Cine
143. Khammam - Tirumala
144. Kodada - Srinivasa 70mm
145. Kodumuru - Srinivasa Talkies
146. Kollapur - Venkateswara
147. Koratla - Lakshmi
149. Kotabommali - Anupama
150. Kothacheruvu - Lakshmi
151. Kothagudem - Durga Th
152. Kothakota - Bhavani
153. Kothapeta - Lakshmi Narayana
154. Kothavalasa - Raja
155. Kotthuru UmaSankar
156. Kovelakuntla - Panduranga
157. Kuchipudi- - Movva SatyaSai
158. Kuppam - S R M
159. Kurmannapalem - Annapurna
160. Kurnool - Raj
161. Macherla - Nagarjuna K.M
162. Machilipatnam - Siri Krishna
163. Madanapalli A - S R
164. Madhira - Lakshmi Srinivasa
165. Mahabubabad - Mukund
166. Malkipuram - Venkata Narayana
167. Manchiryala - Venakteswara
168. Mandapeta - Ambika
169. Mangalagiri - Venkateswara
170. Manuguru - Satyabhaskar
171. Markapuram - Sri Visweswara
172. Marripeda - Lakshmi
173. Medak - Cine Max
174. Medchal - Venkateswara
175. Mehboobnagar - Tirumala
176. Metpally - Lakshmi
177. Miryalaguda - Sakunthala
178. Mudinepalli - Purnima
179. Mulugu - Balaji
180. Mummidivaram - Venkateswara
181. Mydukuru - Venkateswara
182. Mylavaram - SanghaMitra
183. Nagari - Srinivasa
184. Nagarkurnool - Sri Ramana
185. Naidupeta - Murari
186. Nakirekal - Ramakrishna
187. Nalgonda - Tirumala
188. Nandigama - LaxmiPrasanna
189. Nandikotkuru - Shanthi
190. Nandyala - Sangeet
191. Narasannapeta - Sri devi
192. Narasapuram - KanakaDurga
193. Narasaraopeta - Ravi Kalamandir
194. Narayankhed - Suvarna
195. Narayanpeta - Baba 70mm
196. Narsampeta - Jayasri
197. Narsapur - Sai Deluxe
198. Narsipatnam - Kanya
199. Nellore S2 – Screen 2
200. Nereducherla - Venkatrama
201. Nirmal - Narayana
202. Nizamabad - Vijay 70mm
203. Nuzvidu - Mini Satyanarayana
204. Ongole - Goruntla Multiplex-1
205. P Gannavaram - Bala Balaji
206. Pakala - Ramakrishna Deluxe
207. Palakollu - Dasari
208. Palakonda - Ramakalamandir
209. Palamaneru - V V Mahal
210. Palasa - Venkateswara
211. Palvoncha - Venkateswara
212. Pamarru - Ganga Mahal
213. Pamuru - Ravi KalaMandir
214. Parakala - Jaya Deluxe
215. Parigi - Sai Krishna
216. Parvathipuram - Veerabhadra
217. Pasara - Mehar Ranga
218. Patamata - Durga Mahal
219. Patamata LEPL INOX
220. Pathikonda - Lakshmi
221. Payakapuram - SwarnaLaxmi
222. Payakaraopeta - Ramakrishna C.M
223. Peddapalli - Sangeetha
224. Peddapuram - sri Satya
225. Peeleru - S V Deluxe
226. Penugonda - Srinivasa
227. Piduguralla - Ganga Mahal
228. Pitapuram - Venkateswara
229. Podhili - VENKATESWARA
230. Polavaram - Bhanu
231. Ponnuru - PVS
232. Poranki Venkatakrishna
233. Proddutur - Venkateswara
234. Pulivendula Srinivasa -
235. Punganuru - M S R Movieland
236. Railway Koduru - Lakshmi Paradise
237. Railway Koduru - sri Krishna
238. Rajahmundry - Geetha Apsara
239. Rajahmundry - Swamy
240. Rajam - Sita Rama
241. Rajampeta - Sudarshan
242. Ramachandrapuram - Rajagopal
243. Ramayampet - Santosh
244. Ranastalam - Ramanjaneya
245. Ravulapalem Padmasri -
246. Rayachoty - Prasad
247. Rayadurgam - Azeezia
248. Repalle - Krishna
249. Rompicherla - Srinivasa
250. S.Kota - Venkateswara
251. Sadasivpeta - Jyothy 70mm
252. Saluru - sri Lakshmi
253. Samalkota - Satyakrishna
254. Sangareddy - Rukmini
255. Sankarpally - Laxmi
256. Sathyavedu - Srinivasa Movieland
257. Sattenapalli - Srinivasa
258. Sattupally - Sai Balaji
259. Shadnagar - Parameshwari
260. Shamshabad - Lakshmi
261. Siddhipeta - Srinivasa Deluxe
262. Siricilla - Vimal
263. Siripur Khadar - Nagar Venkatrama
264. Sompeta - Tirumala
265. Sri Kalahasthi - Sari Ram
266. Srikakulam - Kinra Complx Keerthana
267. Sullurpeta - Manohar
268. Suryapeta - Kishore 70mm
269. Tadepalli - Gudem Relangi C Mandir
270. Tadepalli - Gudem Venkatrama
271. Tanuku - Narendra C.M
272. Tekkali - Sudarshan
273. Tenali - Swaraj
274. Thadipatri - Lakshmi Narayana
275. Thallarevu - Devi Mahal
276. Thandur - Laxmi
277. Thatipaka - Venkateswara
278. Thorrur - Aswini K.M
279. Tirupati - Jayasyam
280. Tiruvuru - Venkatrama
281. Tuni - Veerraju
282. Uravakonda - Malleswari
283. V. Kota - Manjunatha
284. Vemulawada - Raja Rajeswari
285. Venkatagiri - Bramarambha
286. Vijayanagaram - Leela Mahal
287. Vijayawada - Alankar
288. Vijayawada - INOX Screen
289. Vijayawada - Raghavendra
290. Vijayawada - Srinivasa Mahal
291. Vikarabad - Cine Max
292. Vinjamuru - Surya Deluxe
293. Vinukonda - Suresh Mahal
294. Visakhapatnam - CMR Inox Screen-3
295. Visakhapatnam - Kameswari
296. Visakhapatnam - Melody
297. Visakhapatnam - Sarath
298. Visakhapatnam - V-Max screen 2
299. Visakhapatnam - Varun Inox Screen-2
300. Vissannapeta - Venkateswara
301. Vuyyuru - Saimahal
302. Wanaparthy - Ranga
303. Warangal - Sunil 70mm
304. Yadlapadu - JayaLakshmi
305. Yalamanchili - Sita Chitramandir
306. Yellendu - SeetaRama K.M
307. Zaheerabad - Mohan
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